Obstructions to Truth

Benjamin Anderson
3 min readNov 20, 2020

I’m have a growing concern regarding censoring of perspectives that are counter to the broader narrative.

I think we saw a modest version of this with Coronavirus when it rapidly became outside the Overton Window to consider the possibility that it had a synthetic origin. We may be seeing it over the next few weeks as information continues to surface surrounding the recent election as well. To reveal the truth at scale, it’s important to maintain the ability to consider all possibilities in a civil way. It’s when we shut out the ability to communicate perspectives in the public forum, regardless of whether the outcome changes, that the intransigent minority I reference in my banned post are driven to radical action.

Consider that nearly every outlet you use to consume information is a private entity subject to influence by outside motivators. It’s worth a beat of extra effort to validate what you see as fact on the onset and come to conclusions independent of any one outlet. It’s safe to say that the major social platforms can no longer be trusted as unbiased information filters on behalf of the public. Internal activists and trolls have already been shown to make tweaks to the platforms without supervision. Hop on Twitter and give ‘loser’ a search —

Or maybe you caught the furor surrounding Winston Churchill back in June of this year. Around the same…



Benjamin Anderson

I am a disciple of experience. I’ve done many things in my pursuit of novelty, the constant in this pursuit being my direction, which is always forward.